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Grantworks, Inc.


Consulting Services

About Us

GrantWorks has secured and managed more than $8 billion in grant funding for 450+ local government clients. Our team of professionals bring over 1,000 combined years of experience to the table. HUD lists GrantWorks as a preferred Technical Assistance provider for Texas.

GrantWorks is Texas leading grant management firm. We specialize in state and federal grant programs covering infrastructure, economic development, housing, and planning services. Our clients include city, county, and state governments, non-profit organizations, and public housing authorities.

We are the state’s number one provider of grant application and administration services under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Disaster Recovery, Mitigation,Single-Family & Multi-Family Housing, HOME, TxDOT Safe Routes to School, American Revitalization Act Program (ARPA), Broadband, Economic Development, GLO Coastal Impact Assistance and Coastal Management programs, Texas Parks & Wildlife recreational programs, RESTORE, Community Investment and Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants.

Disaster Recovery is a key focus for GrantWorks. We assist local governments in developing CDBG disaster recovery applications and administering projects to address housing and infrastructure impacted by federally-declared disasters. We have assisted more than 80 communities in implementing hundreds of separate projects totalling more than $400 million since 2009.

GrantWorks is committed to providing your community with high quality grant management services at a reasonable cost. Contact us now to learn more.

Rep/Contact Info

Ashton Crow
Stephanie Fontenot
Natalie Gonzalas
Mr. Bruce Spitzengel